Friday, January 13, 2012

ah, hello :)

I am hoping that the 1,345,764,000th time is the charm. I've tried blogs before, and they turned out...stupid. Anyway, my goal this time is to avoid trying my hardest to sound cool or trendy, and to just write about my day/week.

I work at a preschool with some fabulous people. I have an addiction to Etsy (with two lovely purchases on their way to my home), baking, books, my cell phone ( I hardly put it down), and overthinking things. My roommates are:

Princess Kevin, or more commonly referred to as Kev (aka Kevinita, Keverton, Kevy, Kev, Kev-Tron))Her favorite things include: Me, peanut butter, carrots, me, hiding her poop, going on walks, me, playing fetch, me, her squishy STL Cards ball, and me."]

Louisa May, or Lulu (Her favorite things include: chewing on everything, Jeremy, Kevin, finding my glasses of water on the endtable and drinking out of it, peanut butter, yogurt, Cheerios)

Hey! I like this guy! My darling husband, Germ.His favorite things include: peanut butter (like our puppies??), any other kind of food that is bad for you, St. Louis Blues, Michael Buble, Foster the People, his new TOMS, soccer (he's a very talented goalie), and, of course, MEEEE!

He sure does love all of his girls!

And now, the most anticipated part of this of me, of course.

work attire.

BFF LJ on the left, yours truly on the right.

this is the end. for NOW.

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