Monday, July 15, 2013

the skinny on our summer [pt. 1]

Since I have made a bad habit out of apologizing for neglecting my blog, I really should just make it the tagline: "Sorry, I am truly terrible at keeping up with this. Prepare to wait a month for another post!" Or as my sister would say, "SORRY 'BOUT IT."  So, without further ado, here is a brief summer summary, and a photo dump.

Sidenote: If you follow my Instagram (@healthychelthy), many of these are repeats!

Texas: Baby shower for Jeremy's older brother and our sister-in-law. His younger brother's high school graduation, as well as baseball state championship (they won, duh.). Farm time/feeding slobbery cows.





While adding these photos, I tried my best to make all of them EXACTLY CENTERED. Didn't work. My neurotic, OCD self is like, freaking out over it right now. My lazy self is all, "Nah, girl, you good. Go get another Oreo." So there you have it. 

In completely unrelated news, I'm watching the newest episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Now, I don't really admit that to many people (it's a guilty pleasure, if you will), but it is one of my very favorite shows. Anyway, Khloe has just TP'd Kimye's house, and girl is MAD. Khloe is my favorite (besides Lord Disick), mainly because when I'm in my thirties, I will MOST LIKELY be tp'ing Sophie's house. And spraying shaving cream all over her cat-shaped lawn ornaments.

**All of the lovely pictures in this post were taken by my father-in-law; all of the crappy ones were taken by yours truly.

1 comment:

  1. Your blogs always entertain me. keep them coming. love you!


leave me some love.